Back in the day, (probably your great-grandmother’s day), school officials would tell parents that the most important part of their child’s education was mastering the three R’s. Back then, everyone knew that stood for “reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic.”
A lot has changed.
Education aside, these days, in the health and wellness community, when we hear “the three R’s” we immediately think of, “remove, repair, and reinoculate,” referring to the gut and gut health.
All health starts in the gut so prioritizing gut health is a logical and crucial place to start one’s health journey. So, let’s begin there.
Removing What’s Harmful
The first step in reinoculation of your gut to its former glory begins with removing what’s causing harm. Harmful elements like undesirable bacteria, yeast overgrowth, parasites, mold, infections, and more, typically develop over time and eventually manifest in symptoms like gas, bloating, abdominal pain, belching, constipation, diarrhea –and other, sometimes more serious symptoms. Even mental health issues can often be traced to poor gut health.
The gut microbiome can be a complicated place. The science behind balancing the gut microbiome for optimal physical and mental health, is an emerging science. But one thing is understood, pathological or harmful elements, must be monitored and kept at minimal levels. The same can be said for inflammation in the gut.
Many strains of “bad” bacteria commonly live in our gut in small amounts and cause no harm. They co-exist with, and are outnumbered by, our commensal bacteria. Commensal bacteria refer to our body’s normal and beneficial flora consisting of micro-organisms which can normally be found in our gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, vagina, skin, and other areas.
What Needs to Be Removed?
Harmful strains of bacteria and micro-organisms can reach a level where our commensal bacteria are no longer be able to “keep them in check.” E. Coli bacteria is a good example of a harmful bacteria that exists in the gut, usually, without incident -and there are others. When harmful bacteria proliferate, removing them from the gut becomes a high priority.
What causes harmful bacteria to proliferate? Stress plays a role but a poor diet is the usual culprit. Harmful bacteria feed on sugar while beneficial bacteria feed on fiber sources provided by low-glycemic fruits, vegetables and fiber supplements. One way to remove harmful bacteria is to “starve” it out by consuming a diet very low in all sugars (which has other benefits such as keeping a healthy blood sugar balance and one’s body weight, managed.)
Leaky Gut
When the tight junctures normally present in the gut lining no longer fit tightly together, food particles, toxins, and more can pass through openings in the lining, directly into the bloodstream, encouraging the development of a common condition called Leaky Gut. With Leaky Gut, the body experiences these food particles as foreign invaders and makes antibodies to fight them. The offending foods can be removed from the bloodstream by avoiding eating them altogether.
Most Americans are living with parasites in their bodies and don’t realize it. Parasites can enter the body through any opening, making you their “host.” If you’ve ever swam in a lake or river, eaten pork or sushi, have a dog or a cat (or horses or cows), you probably have parasites living in your body. Parasites can harbor mold, harmful bacteria, even viruses. Cleansing the body of parasites is an important part of removing unwanted elements from the body.
Candida or Candida Albicans is an overgrowth of yeast in the body. This yeast loves to feed on the sugar you eat and can take time to eliminate, especially if you don’t make the necessary adjustments to your diet.
MaxLiving Basic Gut Health Bundle was created as a complete approach that helps remove harmful elements, repair the gut, and reinoculate proper balance. Max GI combines powerful herbs, digestive enzymes, minerals and a uniquely effective digestive enzyme blend to help balance the gut microbiome, creating an environment where harmful bacteria and microbes will struggle to survive.
Max GI supports your immune system and may improve healthy digestion to help relieve uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms and improve microbial balance. Probiotic 50B provides diverse strains of beneficial bacteria which help to improve digestion and elimination while boosting immunity –giving the body what it needs to fight unwanted microbial elements.
Repairing the Gut
The human digestive system is linked to our immunity, our mental health, and our hormonal, circulatory, and nervous systems. It interconnects with these and other systems via a complicated network of healthy microbes that keep the gastrointestinal tract in balance.
Working with your MaxLiving Chiropractor, you can regain control over your gut health, taking the next step and repairing your gut with MaxLiving Basic Gut Health Bundle. The focus of gut repair is improving the tight junctions of the gut lining. In addition to the herbs, digestive enzymes, minerals and other ingredients in this formula, Max GI contains the Bacillus Subtilis strain of bacteria, a particularly strong strain of beneficial bacteria that may help prevent excessive inflammatory responses in the intestines while also strengthening the gut barrier; a key benefit that helps prevent potentially chronic inflammation.
With the gut barrier such an important part of gut repair, Max GI with its Bacillus Subtilis bacteria combined with the ten effective probiotic strains found in Probiotic 50B, are a winning combination to repair the gut and prepare for the last step.
Reinoculate Gut Health
Reinoculation of the gut has a lot to do with what foods you put in your body. Clean, organic, healthy food choices and plenty of pure, filtered water are simply the foundation of good health. Here are some specific foods that will boost gut health and help the “good” microbes in your gut, thrive:
Fermented foods such as kimchi, kombucha, kefir and fermented vegetables.
- Prebiotic fiber foods that act as a food source for probiotics including garlic, onions, chicory, asparagus and bananas.
- Following a vegetarian diet (may be healthier for the gut though research is inconsistent in this area.)
- Avoid sugar, alcohol and excessive stress
- Take a broad-spectrum probiotic such as Probiotic 50B, part of MaxLiving Basic Gut Health Bundle.
Tight junctures are tight again, symptoms are resolving, and you’re feeling great! What is the next step?
Repopulating the gut with diverse strains of beneficial bacteria is a key step in reinoculating balance to the microbiome and keeping the gut barrier strong. Eating fermented foods with lots of beneficial microbes is a great start.
Supplementation for a Healthy Gut
Also consider supplementing with a powerful broad-spectrum probiotic blend like Probiotic 50B that contains ten, well-researched strains that can improve digestion and elimination, and boost immunity.
MaxLiving has your one-two-three step plan to master the three R’s. Get started with the MaxLiving Basic Gut Health Bundle today!
About the Author
Jini Cicero is a Los Angeles-based Strength and Conditioning Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. With over 20 years experience as a health, fitness, and nutraceutical professional, Jini is passionate about advancing natural medicine and optimal health. Whether she’s working with Hollywood celebrities or cancer patients, Jini uniquely combines exercise science, sports nutrition, and corrective exercise. As a speaker, presenter, and writer, her work has been featured in numerous publications, such as Shape, MindBodyGreen, and The L.A. Daily News.