Remember The Master Cleanse? Back in the 1990s, The Master Cleanse became a popular way to lose weight…oh, and it may have helped something with the liver…
In case you need a refresher, The Master Cleanse was/is a quasi-juice fast that centered around drinking tea and/or lemonade combined with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. A dietician named Stanley Burroughs originally created the diet in the 1940s calling it The Master Cleanse. He reintroduced it in the 1970s, and it was rediscovered, again, in the 1990s. One can argue that the current popularity of cleanses kicked off with The Master Cleanse Diet. We’ve come a long way from “cleanses” that eliminate food (and important nutrients) to which liver support was merely an afterthought. Thankfully, there are now, better options.
What is the difference between a detox and a cleanse? Detoxification is a physiologic, natural, process that eliminates waste in our bodies primarily through our liver but also through other organs like the kidneys, skin, lungs, and GI Tract. Toxins like heavy metals, industrial chemicals, waste that the body produces, and more, are removed through this process. Detoxification is a long-term process that requires lifestyle and diet changes. Cleansing is a similar process with a more short-term approach, focused on increasing bowel movements naturally, which will facilitate the removal of toxins from the body and support the digestive and other systems.
How do you know that you need a cleanse, and what is the best cleanse for you? When dealing with more complicated health issues, a longer-term cleanse detox may be needed but most people can benefit from a month-long cleanse that can act as a reset.
Here are some signs that a cleanse may be just what you need:

1. Existing on an unhealthy diet for far too long?
Most people understand that a healthy diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables with plenty of fiber, clean and lean protein, and healthy fats. If you’ve been living on a diet of junk food washed down with alcohol, you may intuitively know that your body needs some help. A cleanse can act as a kick-start to a healthy diet.
2. You have some weight to lose
Most cleanses recommend following a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet, cutting out caffeine and alcohol, and drinking plenty of pure, filtered water. Even without supplements, just following a healthy diet can result in weight loss.
Supporting the body with a high-quality nutrient complex like Max Cleanse from MaxLiving can help support liver function and may accelerate weight loss by giving the body what it needs to process toxins that could be interfering with fat loss. Balancing the digestive system can help the body let go of water retention and fat. Toxins accumulate in fat tissue. The body attempts to keep dangerous types of fat away from vulnerable internal organs.
3. Suffering from Chronic Illness
Inflammation is at the root of chronic disease. Lower inflammation and lower your risk for chronic disease. Cleansing may help maintain a healthy inflammatory response, helping to create an overall environment where chronic disease cannot flourish.
4. Fatigue/Low Energy
If you feel tired and fatigued most of the day, rather than turn to stimulants like caffeine and energy drinks, get started on a cleanse instead. Stimulants will leave you feeling more tired after their effects have worn off and may contribute to sleep disruption. Cleansing can contribute to improved energy and a lighter feeling in your body. Ensure you have enough of the key nutrients needed to cleanse the body while supporting basic functions with Max Cleanse from MaxLiving.
5. Little to no physical activity
After claiming they don’t have time, the second reason people give for not exercising is not having the energy. By increasing energy levels in the body, you’ll feel more motivated to engage in physical activity. Exercise is non-negotiable for a healthy lifestyle, and sweating rids the body of accumulated toxins. Providing the body with healthy food and the right supplements for any deficiencies in the diet will reset your desire to exercise as well.
6. Weak immune system
Prone to frequent colds, flu, or infections? Your immune system may not be functioning optimally. When the body is given the nutrients it needs, your immune system is more likely to function optimally, putting you at less risk of illness. Keeping your immune system strong and healthy gives you peace of mind. Max Cleanse from MaxLiving provides the essential nutrients needed to help gently cleanse the body and remove harmful toxins.
7. Constipation
Frequent bouts of constipation can mean your digestive system and colon are not functioning as they should. Eating a diet rich in fiber and drinking plenty of water is your first defense. But sometimes, the body needs a little help getting balanced and back on track. A cleanse may help improve regularity and digestive health.
8. Infertility
Environmental toxins can interfere with fertility. Pesticides, bisphenol A (BPA), glyphosate, and other toxins can lead to infertility in both women and men, damaging either the male and/or female reproductive systems. Many fertility experts recommend a cleanse to rid the body of toxins prior to attempting to conceive making conception easier and helping ensure the health of the baby.
9. Skin rashes
As toxins build up in the body, normal detox pathways can become sluggish or even “clogged”. When toxins are not eliminated through normal pathways, they can be reabsorbed by the body resulting in acne breakouts, rashes, and dermatitis. Cleansing can help improve the health of your skin by ridding the body of toxins. Some people may experience breakouts when they begin a detox program. This is normal and a sign that your body is getting rid of the toxic burden. Help support the liver and the cleansing process with a high-quality nutrient product like Max Cleanse from MaxLiving.
10. Poor digestion
Gas, bloating, indigestion. These are signs that the digestive system is not working optimally. The digestive system may benefit the most from a cleanse. Bloating often occurs when the digestive system is unable to digest many of the processed foods introduced to it, affecting the health of the GI tract and overall immunity. A detox cleanse will help you to flush out the toxins and revitalize your gut.
Providing detoxification cofactors and nutrients can help “push” the cleansing process, allowing our tissues and liver to process substances more efficiently, and our organs of elimination, to eliminate them more efficiently. Max Cleanse from MaxLiving provides the essential nutrients needed in the right quantities to help gently cleanse the body and remove harmful toxins.
About the Author
Jini Cicero is a Los Angeles-based Strength and Conditioning Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. With over 20 years of experience as a health, fitness, and nutraceutical professional, Jini is passionate about advancing natural medicine and optimal health. Whether she’s working with Hollywood celebrities or cancer patients, Jini uniquely combines exercise science, sports nutrition, and corrective exercise. As a speaker, presenter, and writer, her work has been featured in numerous publications, such as Shape, MindBodyGreen, and The L.A. Daily News.