Sunday. The day of rest. This notion has distinctly biblical roots, as on the seventh day, God ... READ MORE
5 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery
You’re lost at sea in a small boat. In the boat with you are your beloved dog and a human stranger. ... READ MORE
The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for 2025
The concept of self-care has evolved dramatically over the years. In 2025, it’s no longer just about ... READ MORE
Chiropractic’s Role in Detoxification
Our Toxic World Every day, every American suffers a constant bombardment of toxins from the ... READ MORE
How to Curate Your Social Media for Better Mental Health
Seven million unemployed, able-bodied, American men between the ages of 25 and 54 are not looking ... READ MORE
6 Ways to Achieve a Positive Mindset
Those of us who look to improve our health, happiness, and productivity often hear about the ... READ MORE
5 Ways to Transform New Year’s Resolutions Into Long-Term Healthy Habits
Four thousand years ago, in what is now present-day Iraq, it is said that the Ancient Babylonians ... READ MORE
6 Resolutions That Don’t Involve Dieting
As the end of the year approaches, many people dread the looming, age-old practice of setting New ... READ MORE
Back to School: How to Keep Your Kids Healthy During the School Year
Back to school. You told your parents you hated it, that summer vacation didn’t last long enough, ... READ MORE