All Things Heart Health with Dr. Jack Wolfson (Part 2)
In this episode, learn about supplementation and all the natural nutraceuticals that can help you support your heart health.
As Dr. Nick and Dr. Traci have addressed before, it has become incredibly difficult to get the nutrients our bodies need from our diets alone. With overfarming, processed foods, toxins, and other factors interrupting the nutritional value of food, far too many of us are left with deficiencies in one or more essential nutrients.
With the help of natural supplementation, we can supplement our natural health practices. Dr. Jack recommends that everyone should be on several basic nutraceuticals, including a high-quality multivitamin, but in addition, he recommends finding out every person’s individual nutrient needs and choosing specific nutritional supplementation based on those needs.
Some people may need additional electrolytes while others might need more vitamin D. To find out what you need, there are a number of tests that you can take, such as the ones that many MaxLiving clinics offer! Find a clinic near you and discuss opportunities for testing your nutritional needs.
According to Dr. Jack, if you are suffering from heart health concerns, magnesium, nitric oxide, and/or vitamin K may be possible underlying factors. When testing for heart health concern causes, Dr. Jack frequently tests for deficiencies in these three areas, and recommends natural supplements for these three vitamins, which have been shown to lower blood pressure, increase blood flow, aid in cholesterol levels, and more!
In this episode, find out about natural alternatives to many of the treatments offered to aid in heart health, from supplementation to Chiropractic care! Learn why these doctors say “test not guess” and recommend supplementation as a key to health by tuning in!
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