Repeat this about yourself: “My experiences shaped me to be who I am. I am aging, I have scars and I am beautiful exactly the way I am. I love myself.” I believe we don’t “get over” experiences. I believe we get through them… and with realizing this, I feel enlightened.
We ALL have a purpose on earth; it’s our MISSION in life that may differ from one another. We’re here to serve one another from a full cup. So take care of yourself. I’ve been through some health trauma, so I understand completely what it’s like to live in the dark. With my experience & belief, I think the biggest sin is going against myself and my own beliefs.
I’m here to tell you from the Highest Power that those triggers you feel that create a negative emotion in you CAN be changed. It’s a habit within us that, if you’re aware of it, you can do something GOOD about it. For example: If going to the gym is a trigger, dig deeper on WHY. For many, this could be the stress of feeling like you’re not good enough. Try this… before going in, tap into how you FEEL and how you want to FEEL after your workout. Notice how this changes your experience with your workout… and even trickles throughout your entire day!
– Mikaela