Potential is a little bit mysterious. We all have it but how many of us reach it and how do we know if we do or don’t? Although it is quite illusive, it’s certainly there. In you.
Take something as small as an acorn. When provided with the right conditions, a small unsuspecting acorn can turn into a massive, majestic oak tree.
Discovering the potential within yourself is akin to nurturing an acorn to become the mighty oak it is meant to be. When that acorn is provided with the resources it needs AND has no interference then the growth begins. Just as with you. You know you need food, water, shelter, and love. You also know that when there is interference in your nerve system your body cannot function the way it is supposed to, and you lose that potential! Your body was smart enough to grow into YOU from two tiny cells but now you’re grown and don’t see the potential inside of you? The potential to heal, to grow, to achieve. Keep your body subluxation free by getting adjusted to that there is nothing holding you back from being the best and healthiest version of yourself!
It’s in you.
Dr. Jess